Tuesday, December 18, 2007

random questions...

hehe halatang mejo maluwag ang schedule cuz i've got a lot of entries today..hehe

got this from my sister's blog, who got it from her friend's blog..here goes..


1. cellphone
2. wallet
3.. my kikay kit
4. alcohol
5. tissue (sabi nga nila, ung ang ministry ko e, kase i always have tissue whenever someone cries)
6. umbrella
7. house keys

**Name 3 things you do when you're really stressed:**

1. listen to music
2. clean my room or office (although di halata at times..hehe)
3. pray for God's strength and grace to overflow

Name 5 favorite fruits:

1. mango
2. apple
3. strawberry
4. grape
5. ponkan

Name 3 things you are wearing right now:

1. reedley uniform
2. bracelet from terence
3. black shoes

What are you thinking about right now?
my future plans..Christmas gifts

Where is your phone?
with me..

Where do you sleep?
in my own room..

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
i'm wearing my uniform

What was the last thing you ate?
oishi chocolate pillows..addictive talaga un!

What kind of cell phone do you have?
Sony Ericsson w580i

What is the closest item near you that is white?
my hanky

What is the last movie you watched?
Gone Baby Gone by Ben Affleck..ok naman, full of cussing lang..

When did you last feel a tree with your bare hands?
hmmm..cant remember


Eleven odd facts about yourself:

1. Are you photo addict? i guess, because of the sentimental value of each picture that i have..note: i rarely like solo pictures of myself (but i do get vain at times..hehe) ..i'd rather have pictures taken with friends and significant people

2. What were you doing this morning at 8am? meeting with Ms. Flor for the Year-End Awards (graduation, here we come!)

3. Do you care for your friendster? i think so..but not so much

4. How many different beverages have you drank since yesterday? Milk tea, water, coke

5. What are three things you wish to change about yourself?
- being hard on myself
- insecure at times
- can get irritated easily when not in the mood

6. What do you wish for? happiness and satisfaction for me and my family

7. When was the last time you got really hurt? hmmm..this is one of the things i would rather forget..

8. Any plans for tonight? wrap gifts!

9. Something you are excited about? christmas...new career

10. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? vanilla

11. Describe your keychain? Ate Honey's pasalubong from Singapore, the merlion. and rocking horses from a student

1. Do you know anyone in prison? i would love to know someone better..if that person is..............

2. If so, who? MICHAEL SCOFIELD, of course!

4. Party girl/boy or Home girl/boy? a little bit of both

5. Have you ever gotten naked at a party?! why should i?

6. Name someone you miss. a lot of people - Terence, my fantastic four, relatives in Pagsanjan

7. Are you named after a grandparent? nope

8. Who loves you? Jesus Loves me, this i know..for the Bible tells me so. =)

9. Have you ever broken a rib? nope

10. Would you rather be a girl or a guy? being a girl has its pros and cons..but im happy to be me!

1. Who is the most spoiled person you know? i'd rather not say..but you know who you are..hehehe

12. Would you rather have a million dollars or true love? true love of course, then we'd look for the million dollars together!

13. Would you rather date someone 2 years younger or older? hehe am i suppose to answer this? i've experienced both..so, i'd say 2 years older is better. since girls mature faster than guys, then we'd theoretically be the same age..hehe

14.. What's your favorite junk food? Doritos!

15. Do you have a porn collection? hehe of course not!

16. Is your birthday on a holiday? nope

17. Are you old enough to vote? yep

18. Do you have any friends or family in the war right now? none

19. Are you a vegetarian? nope, i love meat!

20. Do you worry about global warming? at times yeah..if i could do anything to help, in my own little way, i'd do it.

21. Do you like Polar bears? yes, yes! they look so adorable

22. What song do you want played at your funeral? actually, i've shared with april and rester my plans for my own funeral..(morbid, but yeah, i've thought about it)..i want everyone who will visit my wake to bring a picture of us together and those pictures will be made into this big collage on the wall. they can also pick out songs that remind them of me to be played at my wake...hehe of course, it has to be all about me! after all, that's my wake right..hehe

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