Tuesday, December 18, 2007

liane's send off party..

we had a surprise send-off party for liane yesterday. liane will be going back to korea this week and she will not come back to school anymore. it saddened my whole class because she is considered the baby of our section. she is always sweet and caring, very supportive of the class.. we can never forget her words of encouragement whenever needed - choral recitation, sportsfest, reading of honors..

i was teary-eyed when they made a powerpoint presentation for her..saying that, columbia will never be complete without her. it made me happy to know that i was able to emphasize the importance of each one of them to the class..that they all complete the class. =)

haaay..goodbyes really suck for me..=( but i know that wherever liane goes, she will bring with her the lessons she has learned in life and i know that she will go a long way..take care my sweet liane..i will definitely miss talking to you..

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